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We're Nuts About Tagua

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Tagua Deep Blue Collection - Just Trade

The necklaces and earrings in our stunning Deep Blue jewellery collection designed by Just Trade are handmade in  Ecuador from a magical material called Tagua (”tah-gwa”).  
If you haven't heard of Tagua before, it is the nut from a type of palm that grows in the tropical South American rainforest. Often known as 'vegetable ivory' or 'Corozo', Tagua is a sustainable and completely environmentally friendly alternative to evil animal ivory, but with many of the same material characteristics. It is less brittle than bone, and has these amazing natural whorls of colour that make it ideal for jewellery making.

The Tagua nuts are gathered from the rainforest floor after they have fallen naturally from the tree - giving the local communities nearby a sustainable, renewable and natural resource that provides economic stability and defence against deforestation.  

Tagua Nut for Jewellery Making

Chemically, Tagua nuts are made of pure cellulose. When the nuts are picked they are in liquid form and are completely edible! They are then left for weeks or months, depending on the weather conditions, to dry out and become dense and durable, and ready to be crafted.

Not only is using Tagua friendly to the rainforest, but it also helps the fight against ivory poaching - saving elephants, walruses, and other ivory bearing animals. In one year, one Tagua palm can produce as much 'ivory' as an average African elephant in her lifetime. Isn't that amazing!?

It is believed that the Tagua nut brings prosperity, happiness, abundance and love. Is there anything this nut CAN'T do? 

You can take a look at our Tagua jewellery, handmade by the fantastic folk over at Just Trade here.

Image Sources: (1) Postcards Home (2) Just Trade

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