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Reform Exhibition Southbank Centre

Name a great artist and within a couple of clicks on your computer you could probably find a story from their past that would surprise you. Art born from adversity is often the most poignant and that is true two-fold of the work at the latest RE:FORM exhibition at Southbank Centre in partnership with the Koestler Trust.

Wander around reading touching poems, unflaggingly-detailed sculptures and paintings that give seasoned professional artists a run for their money, all crafted by members of the UK's prisoners, secure psychiatric patients, offenders on community sentences and immigration detainees. Basically captive creative people with something to say and something worth hearing. 

The exhibition showcases the very best from the 8,509 entries to the 2015 Koestler Awards and art therapy/rehabilitation aside, the quality of the work on show is certainly worth a look. 

Have a peek at our favourites below, or even better, pop down to the Southbank Centre and take a look yourself.  

Reform Exhibition Paul Home Sweet Home

'Home Sweet Home' - Paul, Wathwood Hospital


Reform Exhibition Sunderland

Sunderland - Northgate Hospital


Reform Exhibition - You don't have to pretend to care

You Don't Have to Pretend to Care - HM Prison Shotts


Reform Exhibition Postcards to Myself

Postcards to Myself - Tottenham Probation Service 


Reform Exhibition Lump of Fortitude
Lump of Fortitude - Sean, HM Prison Dovegate


RE:FORM is open from 1st Oct - 29th Nov 2015 at Spirit Level, Royal Festival Hall, Southbank Centre.  Admission is free. 

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