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5 New Year's Resolutions for Your Home

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We don't know about you, but when the Christmas Tree graveyards have been cleared away, and we've un-decked the halls and boxed up our baubles, we're left feeling a bit flat. What actually *did* go in that space where the Christmas Tree was? 

January always looks bare compared with the dazzling decor of the festive season, but that simplicity can be really useful to help us all hit refresh and get a little clarity for the year ahead.

Now is the perfect time to adjust the dial in your home just a smidge to better suit your 2018 needs. You'd be surprised what impact small interior updates can have to your mindset.

Moroccan Woven Storage Pots

1. Start with Shelf Care

New Year is a great time to have a little declutter. Make piles of clothes you don't wear, Christmas gifts you don't want, and books you'll never read again, and pop them down to your local charity shop or Women's refuge.

We love how shelves evolve over time with new bits added every so often, but keep them in the present by assessing what is on there, shuffling and replacing items, and updating framed photos. Free up some shelf space and floor space by storing items you often use and just leave lying about into baskets or woven pots.

With the space you've freed up on your shelves, invest in just one considered item that you love to bring the shelf into the New Year.

Quilts, Throw and Bedding for a New Year Home Decor Update

2. Refresh Your Bedding

If your body hasn't quite got the memo about the unbridled New Year energy we're all meant to have - give it a helping hand by at least nailing the sleep element.

A bright new  over the bed to cheer up a grey morning, or crisp new sheets to sink into after a busy day can make all the difference to a positive mindset.

Similarly, you can give a sad sofa a completely new look by changing up the cushions.

Plants and Flowers in the Home

3. Go Green

Plants and flowers are an easy and instant way to change the look and feel of your home.

We're trying to go plastic free in our office this year, and it's hard. But the addition of greenery has really helped to make things feel more natural and inspire us to act more sustainably.

One big trend for 2018 is the ancient Japanese tradition of Wabi Sabi which encourages us to embrace imperfections - so leave those flowers an extra week and revel in the beauty of the wilt.

Safomasi Inspiration Wall

4. Make a Creative Corner

We don't all need a full vision board to keep on-track, but whether it's pinning motivational quotes and images from creative companies that you love to the fridge, or introducing a wire memo board near your favourite armchair with newspaper clippings you want to re-read every now and again, knowing what inspires you and surrounding yourself with it is a sure fire way to keep your creative heart racing throughout the year.

Kitchen Updates - Vintage Woven Plate and Oven Glove

5. Inspire Healthy Living

Whether you're doing Veganuary, Dry January or just trying to wean yourself slowly off cheese and mince pies, a few little kitchen updates will have you in the right frame of mind for a more balanced start to the year.

Displaying fresh fruit and vegetables on your surfaces rather than hiding them away where they can be forgotten is a good way to ensure they are top of mind - our  look delicious piled high with healthy treats.

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