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The 2019 Pinterest Trends We're Most Excited About

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Pinterest Trends for 2019

We're not really fans of following the crowd or being slaves to the latest trends, but we do get excited every December when predictions of what the next year might hold start popping up - because, more than anything, in a world with so many different personalities and points of view, it's fascinating to see what unites and excites a fair few of us. 

We like to sit back as the new year unfolds and see which of the predicted trends are cementing themselves in our Instagram feeds, holidays, home decor, wardrobes and weekends, and this year, we're loving what we're seeing.

We had a look at the to see what The People were pinning, and these were the positive trends we got particularly excited about:

Travel: Off the Beaten Track

  • Social media platforms like Pinterest and Instagram have the power to make the world a smaller place and connect far-flung communities. We can wanderlust about destinations we'd never even heard of before, and learn from other people's travel experiences where to go and how best to get around
  • But maybe this connecting of cultures is making travellers pine for a less-trodden track, and a more unique travel experience. Pinterest searches for Less Travelled Islands rose +179% in 2018 and Small Town Travel by +276% which is great news for smaller communities trying to attract tourism
  • And if social media is how we are researching and discovering destinations we'd like to travel to - its visual nature might also have had a bit of an impact on the sorts of places we want to go to. Pinterest searches for Abandoned Castles were up +142% in 2018 - so maybe we're less interested in saying we've been to a certain landmark these days and are actually craving less crowds and more beautiful backdrops to enjoy
  • We're big fans of ethical travel and were thrilled to see that Zero Waste Travel was up by +74% in 2018 - people are getting strategic about sustainable packing, eating and hotel-ing which is a really positive sign

Hobbies and Interests Trends on Pinterest

Hobbies and Interests: Creative Home Hustles

  • Searches on Pinterest for Side Hustles at Home went up by a staggering +690% in 2018 as people became determined to turn their passions into profits and really value their creativity
  • We all have a creative spark in us somewhere, and there are so many Makers doing amazing things from their kitchen tables and sheds at the moment, that the hardest part is working out which online tutorial to watch first
  • Lots of people believe in the benefits of creativity and the physical act of making on our mental health and wellbeing, so it seems positive that searches for creative outlets like Sketchbooks are up +513%. If you want some hefty inspiration there, have a look at illustrator Ella  and how she uses her sketchbook daily as a positive outlet 
  • Pinterest searches for Ceramic Pottery went up by +475% with people wanting to get their hands dirty with a go at clay crafts and DIY pottery

Home Decor Trends for 2019 According to Pinterest

Home Decor: Paint and Pattern

  • Mustard yellow, earthy greens and popping pinks are the colours people were introducing into there homes towards the end of last year - and they seem to still be causing a stir this new year alongside Pantone's Living Coral and Dulux's Spiced Honey 
  • But the way people are painting their homes is getting a radical reset - instead of having to paint a whole wall or even room with one of these strong colours, interior lovers have begun to use colourful geometric shapes to punctuate walls and add a little interest to surfaces. Wall murals and painted ceilings have become popular, and we've seen some amazing painted floor tiles and floor boards doing the rounds - no surface is safe!
  • But don't worry if you don't fancy getting the paint brushes out -  Pinterest searches for Bold Print Wallpapers went up +401% in 2018 and there are so many punchy printed wallpaper collections out there to lust over. The Maximalists are having a field day covering even the smallest bathrooms with tropical foliage and exotic birds
  • Softening the edges of our homes is becoming increasingly popular, with textile art and vertical gardens growing in appeal - fabric painting, applique and woven wall hangings are bringing a sense of the handmade to the home and vertical gardens are bringing the outside in

Women's Style Trends for 2019 from Pinterest

Women's Style: Sustainability and Ethical Threads

  • Mother Nature is having a big influence over women's style this year as Women are searching for organic and natural materials to fill their wardrobes with
  • Pinterest searches for Bamboo Bags went up a whooping +2215% last year and you can bet they are all you are going to see this Summer at your local lido. The good news about natural materials is that they are striking, structural and incredibly durable so they really are a great alternative to plastics and leathers
  • And it looks like people are catching on to how incredible African Print Fashion is, with searches going up by +229% last year. We can't wait to see (respectful not appropriated) African colours, patterns and techniques flood the catwalks and clothes stores this year. If you're ever in South London we'd really recommend popping into  for your African and Caribbean fashion fix
  • There's a new beast in town! Step aside leopard print and step forward snake print with an increased Pinterest search of +642% last year for Snake Print 
  • And searches for Sustainable Fashion might have only gone up by +34% but hey, at least the revolution is gaining support and moving in the right direction. If anything, people are probably getting savvy enough to search for specifics like eco-dyes, slow fashion and recycled materials - we're hoping 2019 is the year for some big mainstream sustainable breakthroughs

So here's to a crafty, colourful, savvy and sustainable 2019 where the power of the pins create some positive noise to be heard around the world. 

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