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Interior Crush: The Ivy in the Lanes, Brighton

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The Ivy in the Lanes, Brighton

Image: Postcards Home

As recent Brighton residents, we've been getting to know our new home by eating and drinking our way about town, finding out what's tasty and where looks good. Some call it meetings, we call it eatings with a side portion of small business chat. 

Instagram was quivering with excitement about the arrival of Brighton's The Ivy branch and its hotly tipped luxe interior decor, so we knew we had to head on over and have a peek.

And the interior didn't disappoint. It genuinely is hard to know where to look - it's botanical, gilded, covered with art and upholstered in rich jewel tones. The marble table tops and polished parquet floor make it feel absolutely fabulous. It really is a Maximalists paradise!  

Bathroom Decor at The Ivy in the Lanes

Image: Postcards Home

And if there was ever a powder room and loo to inspire selfies and general luxe lounging and nose powdering, the Ivy has it.

A circular, blush banquette sofa sits in the middle of the room with gleaming floor tiles, oriental gold leaf walls and small jewel-coloured pouffes in front of the long elegant mirrors. Each loo has a pink marble sink for private selfies and serious swooning.

The Ivy in the Lanes, Brighton interior decor

Image: Postcards Home

Martin Brudnizki Design Studio consulted on the restaurant's interior decor which includes an onyx bar, pendant lighting, marble floor tiles and a mixture of leather banquettes and bar stools. All the best textures, prints and patterns are accounted for.

We especially love that a lot of the pieces of art covering the walls are from local artists, making it feel a little bit more 'Brighton' than large chains normally allow. 

And yes, The Ivy is a chain.  And yes, we are really married to our indies. But the site of the new restaurant is the old central post office so a rather big space (240 covers) for an indie to have to take on. And to be honest, it's affordable food and drinks in a completely fabulous setting, so we think there is a place for it in Brighton's cosmopolitan scene.

The Ivy in the Lanes, Brighton

Image: Postcards Home

The Ivy in the Lanes is involved with the great Snailspace trail for Martlets Hospice with a snail designed by talented local artist, Danni Smith outside for all to enjoy.

The snail is covered in choisya, sunflowers, poppies, roses, michaelmas daisies, dandelions and ivy - all bee-friendly plants. And each side of the snail reflects a different season, showing the range of bee-friendly plants that grow all year round. 

If you want to see inside The Ivy in the Lanes for yourself, you can book a table here.

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